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Knowledge Coach

Knowledge Coach micro-learning app in use

A quiz-based learning approach to improve your workforce engagement and learning outcomes Business challenges

Many organisations tell us that they struggle to find the best way to deliver and manage learning effectively. It’s human nature that individuals approach and experience learning differently, so understanding this and ensuring your workforce has options available to them can significantly improve learning outcomes.

A smartphone screen shows the

Increase engagement

Maintaining engagement levels of learners, across all industries, is a common and ongoing challenge. Some learning can be naturally fun, however some topics such as safety-critical or mandatory operating procedures, which are vital for the safety of people and the environment, can often be less engaging for the learner. Operating across safety-critical industries, our clients often ask us how they can make business critical learning like this feel like less of a chore, and more interesting.

Smartphone screen displaying a

Reduce knowledge fade

Another common business challenge our clients tell us about is knowledge fade over time. Candidates’ accreditations may be current but does that mean that their knowledge is? It is a challenging question for most organisations to answer confidently and the ability to report that the workforce is compliant covers only the basics. However, being able to identify at a granular and individual level the knowledge gaps within these employees provides a far more robust approach to compliance.

A smartphone screen showing a user profile with the name

Get valuable insights

Our clients also tell us that they have data and basic numbers of compliance levels across their organisations to hand, but they struggle to find the insights within that data that help them to make any robust or urgent changes to support what their workforces need at any given time.

Introducing Knowledge Coach

Knowledge Coach is a quiz-based learning platform that uses gamification, AI, and social collaboration to help boost employee engagement and excel in all aspects of workforce learning, with direct and immediate business benefits. It works alongside and augments our safety-critical training content and learning tools to supplement what you do, offering a truly blended learning solution in an easy and hassle-free way.

It provides an advanced way of securing measurable business outcomes through the maintenance of knowledge and provides your employees with a modern platform to engage, communicate, and learn all in one place.

From safety and compliance, to change management, Knowledge Coach delivers meaningful learning with proven results across multiple industries.

A person holds a smartphone displaying a profile screen for an app showing user statistics, such as level, progress in percent, and recent topics.

These are just some of the business benefits of using Knowledge Coach

Knowledge Coach uses AI to predict when each learner is likely to forget something and then sends them personalised boosters that lock in and reinforce their knowledge.

Learners stay highly engaged with gamification and can score badges, points, build up winning streaks, and battle their way to the top of the leaderboard against their peers. Challenges and competitions stimulate learning and keeps employees committed to growing their knowledge

Get started right away with our out-of-the-box content on a broad range of topics, or build your own, you can even import third party content, let us do it for you, or integrate it with your own learning and communication platforms with easy connection to over 300 applications

Detailed insights, reports and analytics powered by over 200 metrics enable you to optimise L&D initiatives and discover actionable insights related to risks, opportunities, knowledge gaps and overall learning performance

Just some of the results clients have
seen when using Knowledge Coach


Increase in employees’ understanding of transformative technologies


Additional courses completed, driven by engagement with the solution


Social learning posts and discussions that contributed to a culture of learning