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Drilling Systems showcase leading technology at MEOS GEO 2023

The team at Drilling Systems were delighted to attend the Middle East Oil, Gas and Geosciences Show (MEOS GEO) alongside valued customers and industry colleagues, showcasing its world-leading technology. 

Taking part in this year’s show was Business Development Manager for MENA, Andreas Smith, Head of Business Development at 3t Transform, Hiam Saad, and Vice President of Sales for MENA at 3t Energy Group, Ian Hunt. The team headed out to Bahrain to join tens of thousands of upstream industry professionals to discuss new innovations and address current industry challenges. As a merger of the Middle East Oil and Gas Show as the Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, the event brings over 40 years of innovative industry knowledge, capturing two well-known events under one roof.

Drilling Systems were delighted to showcase technology alongside established customer Saudi Aramco Nabors Drilling Company (SANAD), where our advanced cyberbase simulator, the DrillSIM:600 was set up and welcoming showgoers to try for themselves. Immersive and unique, the DrillSIM:600 combines 3D surface and downhole geographical views to emulate the customer’s exact rig environment, delivering highly realistic drilling and well control training.  

E&P professionals from around the world were given the opportunity to experience our fully immersive DrillSIM:600 exploring a range of drilling and well control exercises. Equipped with a Drill the Well on Simulator (DWOS) feature, the simulator allows customers to create bespoke simulations so theoretical explanations can be carried out as a practical exercise including faults, failures, well control, power and station keeping problems. The customised nature of the DrillSIM:600 allows operators to familiarise the simulator with their specific rigs and equipment to increase confidence and improve competence. 

Meeting and exceeding IWCF and IADC oil and gas drilling and well control training and accreditation standards, the DrillSIM:600 increases safety standards and improves operational efficiencies to revolutionise training across the drilling industry.    

MEOS GEO attendees also had the chance to experience our portable MultiSIM which was displayed on our customer Saudi Arabian Drilling Academy (SADA)’s stand. Suitable for a range of well intervention operations, including Wireline and coil tubing scenarios, the MultiSIM combines core software from CTS:5000 and WirelineSIM:5000 to provide full well intervention operator training in one system. Known for its flexibility, the simulator’s portable desktop setup allows it to train operators at all levels, in any skills, wherever they are in the world.  

Showcasing the simulators cutting-edge abilities, attendees stopped by the SADA stand to take the MultiSIM on a test run, experiencing all it has to offer. Using advanced graphics, the simulator provides a fully realistic and immersive simulation allowing trainees to observe operations before taking action, demonstrating understanding and encouraging knowledge retention.  

Our portable real-time drilling and well control simulator, the DrillSIM:20, also made an appearance on one of our customer stands with Agora Training Centre. The compact and portable simulator consists of two consoles, a touchscreen station, and a laptop packaged in a protective case for safe transportation. As a realistic and cost-effective solution to delivering hands-on well control training, the simulator ensures teams are well trained, competent, and accredited to global standards to meet the needs our of clients in the drilling industry. The portable product means that training can be delivered anywhere in the world, bringing world-class training to wherever you are. 

The 3t Energy Group team had a fantastic time reconnecting with friendly faces and captivating visitors with our advanced simulator technology. Exploring the exhibition floor, the team had a chance to capture the latest innovations and share insight into topical conversations in today’s upstream industry. 

We wish to extend a huge thank you to our customers, SANAD, SADA, and Agora Training Centre, for helping us showcase our simulator technology and making our presence at the event such a success. Until next time! Â